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Exploring the World of Energy Healing: Modalities for Mind, Body & Spirit

Mystic Magazine Article January 31, 2025

We reached out to several experts in the field of energy healing to explore how different modalities can support the mind, body, and spirit in achieving balance and personal transformation. At Mystic Mag, we dive deep into the concept of energy and its influence on our overall well-being. Energy healing works by tapping into the body’s natural energy field to restore harmony, release blockages, and promote vitality. Through these practices, individuals can experience profound shifts in their emotional, physical, and spiritual states, leading to greater alignment and a healthier, more balanced life.

Owner of Skin Evolution, Lori Carhart: “Supporting Liberation Breathing”

We’ve asked Lori Carhart, owner of Skin Evolution, whether there are specific energy practices for overcoming negative thought patterns:

“I facilitate Liberation Breathing, which utilizes the breath to align the subconscious mind with the conscious mind which brings the individual into a sacred space of truth. When I do this technique, I immediately and intentionally recognize and bust through old dogma and thought patterns that have been imprinted onto the person. I find that the general population (in America) does not consider the human energy field real, so I start with clearing cynical thought patterns such as this and opening the space for balance and vitality. Once an individual starts to unpack inherited toxic thoughts, they begin to release cellular memory being held in the body and ‘peel the onion away’ allowing divine life force energy to come in and replenish mind, body & soul.

I also practice Integrated Energy Therapy® (IET) to release old emotions from the organ in the body where it originated. The body keeps the score! We physically retain all traumatic events in our lives, only to reactivate them over and over again! We can end this cycle by acknowledging where they are held in the body and cleansing the organs of all old trauma. Emotional trauma is stored in the cells of the body much like facts are stored in the cells of the brain.  Negative or traumatic experiences, stress, unexpressed emotion, fear, anger, resentment or self-limiting beliefs can become “stuck” (or suppressed) in the body and inhibit or disrupt the flow of vital life force at a cellular level.  These energy blockages limit our experience of life and can result in a lack of spontaneity, energy depletion, a feeling of unrest, agitation or disease. IET uses a unique Cellular Memory Map® to target specific areas in the body where trauma is stored, helping to release them on all levels – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. As these blocks are cleared, the suppressed charge of energy dissipates, and your energy field is re-balanced. The more your energy body opens and vital life force can flow freely through it, the closer you move to a natural state of pure homeostasis.”


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